Winter is the coldest season of the year in some parts of the northern and southern hemisphere, this season is characterized by falling snow and freezing cold temperatures, usually exacerbated by strong winds. The season which usually lasts about three months is caused by the winter-stricken area being farthest away from the sun in the earth’s orbit around it. The cold wind is the chief agent of this season. It makes the weather dull and chilly. Sometimes the untimely rain makes life miserable. It destroys our crops. Frost is another agent of the winter season. One of the best parts of the winter season is that cold, flaky ambush that falls from the sky. Adults, children, and pets alike enjoy this falling fun and the neighborhood’s transition into a powdery winter landscape is a great reason to get outside and play. Building a snow man is an age-old tradition that starts with one small snowball and grows into a great afternoon of activity. Get your loved ones outside and build a snow buddy to guard your house for the winter. You can even make snow bricks, build an igloo, and create an entire winter wonderland in your own back yard.