25 Thank You

25 Thank You

Saying thank you to colleagues, staff members, associates, and people more distantly connected to us is an annual year-end ritual for many people in leadership positions. Speeches, memos, newsletter articles and blog posts are often filled with lists of people’s names and the events or actions for which they are receiving thanks. Whether or not we realize it, we offer gratitude dozens of times a day in various forms. They can be obvious pleasantries, like a “thank you” to your barista, or subtler displays of appreciation, like praising a colleague without explicitly saying “thank you” or simply tapping someone on the arm to recognize their work. Because gratitude is so important, it stands out when we devote time and mental energy to crafting our thank-you messages.  These gestures of appreciation are mostly nice and thoughtful yet they can be accepted with a bit of cynicism by recipients, especially if this is the only time during the year when ‘thanks’ have been provided. The benefits of praise and thankfulness are too numerous to mention, but I think it’s very appropriate to be thinking about them as we celebrate what I believe to be the most important part of every relation. We are sharing 10 Thank you Ideas that will make your day memorable.

Thank You

Thank You Quote

Thank You Quote

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You Quote

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You