New Year 2016 Messages
Dear New Year, Please let me, my family, my colleagues, my clients and my friends be just happy in this time.
May the New Year 2016 give you loads of reasons to celebrate and have wonderful days that are filled with laughter and gaiety.
Say good bye and thanks to 2015 as it has taught you lessons and say hello to 2016 with a big smile and wise approach. Happy New Year!
Today is last night of December
On the last night, after the celebrations
I stand in my window
Seeing the weather, seeing peaceful darkness
Snow fall and hoping for new land marks
New milestones
Are you making new year resolution?
Do not forget to implement them. Happy New Year!
Nights are Dark but Days are Light,
Wish your Life will always be Bright.
So my Dear don’t get Fear
Cause, God Gift us a “BRAND NEW YEAR”