23 Miss You

23 Miss You

Miss you ach, until every little nerve inside of you sets itself on fire and wants to break apart and escape from the confines of this body to find that someone special, because honestly, you were glued. Missing someone is a strange sense of detachment. It will be at times when you are doing nothing, and suddenly you will make his presence felt throughout yourself. Maybe it will be that you still haven’t wrapped your head around his absence. You will know that it was for the best, but still you will be wondering as to how life would have been if things had been different. Even with all of the things you grew to hate about him, you can’t help but miss them still. And all of the things you loved about him. You miss the way you used to sing in the car without caring about how terrible you sounded. Missing the way you would go to the gas station to get mass amounts of candy late at night and come back to watch shows, the ones everyone else thought were ridiculous. So grab the opportunity and tell your loved ones about how much you miss them. Here are some amazing ideas that will help you in expressing your expression.

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You

Miss You