Category: Events

Fashion Events

Most Beautiful Free HD Khana Kaba Wallpapers

Khana Kaba Most Beautiful Free HD Wallpapers Khana Kaba is the most respectable place in the world for Muslims. Due to this reason they have devotion for Khana Kaaba they have in their heart. For raising the expectation of the users the modern and religious Khana kaba Wallpapers and wallpapers are introduced in an innovative

Happy Pakistan Independence Day HD Wallpapers Download.

Pakistan is going to celebrate its 69th independence day on 14th August 2016 all over the country as a national holiday. All organizations, institutions, offices and markets remain closed on this day. It is a big day for Pakistanis as after many sacrifices and struggles they achieved freedom from British rule and Hindus. Every Pakistani

Eid Ul Adha Top best HD Wallpapers

Eid Ul Adha Top best HD Wallpapers Eid-Ul-Adha is a religious event of Muslims. It is a festival that is celebrated in the memory of the Prophet Hazrat Ibrahim’s Sunnah. Muslims sacrifice goats, cow or camels as per the orders of Allah. The majority of Muslim download bangla Eid Ul Adha HD Wallpapers on their

Amazing Free HD Hajj Wallpapers

Hajj  Amazing Free HD Wallpapers Hajj is a sacred and a religious duty for all Muslims. It is fifth pillar of Islam and the most important duty for Muslims. For performing Hajj they visit Khana Kaaba and Madina. Muslims from all over the world love to download Hajj mubarak HD Wallpapers at their mobile devices

24 Best Boss Day Quotes

Yes it’s a Boss Day and a time to celebrate!! So avoid being introvert and try to thank your boss for his endless support and guidance. Boss day is celebrated once a year on 16 October, or the nearby working day. You should regard it as a day to appreciate your boss and take it

20 Halloween Parties

Witches and ghosts will be searching for candy and treats because its Halloween time!! So, cast a bewitchingly tasty spell on them and make a lip-smacking Halloween treat. Whenever we think about a party we think about food so, a Halloween party is also incomplete without some scary cute Halloween menu. The festivity can be

Iranian Festival Yalda

Iranians around the world celebrate Yalda, which is one of the most ancient Persian festivals. The festival dates back to the time when a majority of Persians were followers of Zoroastrianism prior to the advent of Islam. On Yalda festival, Iranians celebrate the arrival of winter, the renewal of the sun and the victory of

40 New Year 2016

The most beautiful moment with the full of enjoyment and fun, the ravishing and fresh New Year 2016 is here to come whose celebration will starts from the New Year’s Eve which is December 31st, 2015 and people will welcome the New Year 2016 and by keeping this in view, before anyone send you New Year Quotes SMS 2016, Happy New

19 Boxing Day Celebration

Boxing Day is a holiday traditionally celebrated the weekday or Saturday following Christmas Day, when servants and tradesmen would receive gifts, known as a “Christmas box”, from their masters, employers or customers, it was also traditional that servants got the day off to celebrate Christmas with their families on Boxing Day. Before World War II, it was common for working