30 Bad and Good Selfies Trends

30 Bad and Good Selfies Trends

As per Oxford Dictionaries, the word “Selfie” was the word of the year in 2013. By reviewing some more sources and literature, it’s not wrong to say that selfie has become a trend in the world. Now, we should feel happy about it or not that’s a big question. Even in certain reviews, people feel elevated and beautiful/handsome about themselves in selfies, that’s good!! Don’t consider yourself alone in this activity because celebrities like Rihanna, Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus also published their selfie posters in the market. . It’s a good activity for fun, entertainment and excitement.

According to Press time, on average 13 million Instagram photographs has been using hashtagged #selfie and more than 91 percent of teens post self portraits online. Selfie is a trend that will stay but have you ever noticed why it is so popular?? There are so many photos of real people than models that are available these days because it has become a medium to celebrate and praise regular people like us. By posting selfies and reviewing mesmerizing comments on them you feel happy but at times it makes you too much self conscious. It has psychologically impacted people a lot especially teenagers. So, let’s consider selfie a common trend that has positive as well as negative impact. 30+ Selfies trends good or bad choose yourself!!

Woman taking selfie

Before closing the 2015

Teenagers aren’t the only ones tuned

Girl taking a Hoodie Selfie

The obsession with taking selfies

Celebrity Fashion Trends Selfies

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Show the world an attractive

My seemingly Self- appointed Selfie

A black gareden on the earth

Taking the “sport” of extreme selfies

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Get some paid Selfies

Cute emergency Selfies

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Japan over the New Year period

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The person feeling annoying selfies

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A photobomb of royal proportions