22 Secret Pal day

22 Secret Pal day

One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. It is a very special day for all friends as there is nothing more precious than having a true friend. Therefore, value your friends and feel lucky to be blessed with good friends in your life. Though the origin of Secret Pal Day is still not known, January 11th is declared world wide as this day. There are many activities that a person can do for friends. One can organize a party or just gift something to your friend. Below are a few Secret Pal Day ideas. I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let’s face it; friends make life a lot more fun. January comes; we post many ideas, for those who continue to do Office Buddy or Secret Pal gift-giving.  Let your secret pal know that you are in her thoughts. So yes, we still post gift ideas, but no, you won’t be inundated with unwanted emails and tweets about Secret Pal gift ideas.  Bake your Secret Pal some Groundhog Day cupcakes with just a few brown M&M’s, a box of chocolate cake mix, and a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. Happy Secret Pal Day!!!


Secret Pal Day

Secret Pal Day

Secret Pal Day

Secret Pal Day

Secret Pal Day

Secret Pal Day

Secret Pal Day

Secret Pal Day

Secret Pal Day

Secret Pal Day

Secret Pal Day

Secret Pal Day

Secret Pal Day

Secret Pal Day

Secret Pal Day

Secret Pal Day

Secret Pal Day

Secret Pal Day

Secret Pal Day

Secret Pal Day

Secret Pal Day