20 Common Makeup Mistakes
To look beautiful and make the statement among the people around you whether it is simple friends or family get together or a formal office party is the desire of every one. In this scenario make up counts a lot and not only make up but proper makeup makes the difference in the end. We have pointed out some common makeup mistakes that women do while in hurry yet it makes a mess of the whole preparations which took hours. Definitely our post will be going to help you to understand the basics of makeup correctly and apply them in a proper way if not cent per cent Kardashian style.
There are few common makeup mistakes being described below to avoid them in order to get perfect complexion. Applying lip stick not properly or with awkward shades, using waterproof Mascara regularly or applying expired makeup products.Putting on bronzer on entire face in addition to excessive use of brow pencil or ignoring it completely. Using silicone-based primer with water-based foundation or not cleaning your makeup brushes even once in a month. Improper use of eye liner as well as applying makeup too soon or very late after moisturizing.Making up monotone face with heavy blush on or even not testing colors prior to applying them.Poor choice of lighting conditions for makeup.Over-powdering your face is also big make mistake. Pumping mascara wand more often, excessive use of foundation additionally choosing wrong under-eye concealer are also few common mistakes that women do regularly. Try to avoid these exceptionally common makeup mistakes to flawlessly improve your real, natural beauty.