19 Say Hey Day Quotes

19 Say Hey Day Quotes

Say Hey day is a beautiful tradition. It’s a day when you welcome and cheers people around. Despite of the fact that the entertainment of Hey day stays the same but you can enjoy different themes. The main aim of the day is to meet and greet people happily with some forthcoming conversation. So we mark it as a day when we make friends. One most encourage such amazing events. Hopefully you will end up making friends and actually have meaningful relationships. Hey day is a new way to meet people and it develops socialization in the community.

Might be you know two or three ways to say “Hello” to someone, but there are actually many different expressions. These are some beautiful words said by Jimi Hendrix “The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye, the story of love is hello and goodbye…until we meet again” So this day share e-cards, feelings, quotes and cards to express your love and gratitude. Each moment you say hey to a stranger, your heart and mind recognize that we are family. At a moment you feel distress or sad, take a step forward a say hey to your loved one, it will definitely cheer you up.

Ever happiest day in my life quote


Choose the right way, if you are happy Quote


I believe in live today. Not in yesterday Quote


A thing of beauty is a joy forever Quote

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Land really is the best art Quote


Culture like a tree without root. Quote

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Gifts take smile in your face Quote


Every heart is not red Quote


I am surrounded by love. Quote


Every experience perfect my growth Quote


Dad is a first hero in shape of parents Quote
