14 August Independence Day Quotes in English

14 August Independence Day Quotes in English

14 August Independence Day Quotes in English: If there is any day that every Pakistani would remember from generation to generation is 14th August 1947. The reason why that day is so much important because on this day Pakistan was officially announced as an Independent State. And after 1947 every year this day is celebrated with great joy throughout the Pakistan. And not just here, but also the Pakistanis who are living abroad celebrate this day. The importance of Independence Day can be understood by only those nations who have spent for almost 100 years as the slaves. And that is why this day has become as a symbol of joy for every single Pakistani in the world. So it is obvious that like any other festival or event we use Quotes or SMS to wish their fellows or family members. And as there is a huge trend of 14 August Independence Day Quotes in English. The reason is that English is known to be the most sophisticated language in Pakistan. And the one who can speak it well is considered as a gentleman.

14th August Wishes by Text Messages

SO mostly people try to use English in their SMS so they could leave a good impression on others. In the past few years there was the huge trend of sending text messages to your loved ones, and at that time everyone was busy all the time just sending these messages especially on the events. So for this purpose, many of the website owners decided to provide some help in this respect. So they developed some website where you can get the latest ideas for Independence Day 14th August Quotes. Well as the technology got advanced and common, so the methods of wishing Independence Day also changed.

14 August Wishes on WhatsApp and Facebook

So now these wishes are mostly done by WhatsApp Messenger or Facebook. As these, both are the most commonly used social network platforms. And that is why more are more websites came forward with latest ideas regarding Independence Day 14 August Quotes. Especially for Facebook, because it is not like texting your friends. Instead, whatever you post here will be seen by all of your friends and family members. So it is necessary that you use the sophisticated words instead of informal wishes. And obviously, not everyone can do it very well. So for the help, there are several websites which you can easily find out with the help of Google.

Power of Words for 14th August

Further, if you think that you are talented enough that you can make 14 August 1947 Pakistan Independence Day Quotes in English, then you can even sell your quotes, and it as a way of your earning. Like you can sell your Happy Independence Day 14 August Quotes to the website owners, and they will pay you up with good money. You should understand the power of quotes, because if you are a good philosopher, then by just using your words you can change the minds of the whole nation. And that is why these wishes on the Independence Day purifies our souls.