20 Cuddle up Day

20 Cuddle up Day

Cuddle up Day is an opportunity to snuggle up to someone or something on a cold winters’ day or night. We aren’t sure where this tradition started but we aren’t sure it really matters either. Sometimes its best not question a reason to slow down and enjoy a good cuddle. We love national, strange, weird, little-known and ridiculous holidays, and today just happens to be National Cuddle up Day. Cuddle up Day is celebrated across the nation every January 6. What do you do on Cuddle up Day? Why, you cuddle. It’s cold outside, so now is your perfect chance to cuddle up to someone you has been stalking from afar.

It’s time to make yourself a hot chocolate with plenty of marshmallows, pull on your PJs and snuggle up with a teddy bear, a good book, or maybe even another human being if you’re especially lucky. We’ve all got our personal responsibilities, from careers and family to finances and charity work, so we are allowed a day to just relax and let all the week’s stresses melt away. Without the occasional day of rest and relaxation we will just burn out; even those who consider themselves dynamic go-getters and hard as nails need to cuddle up every now and then, whether they admit it or not.

National Cuddle Up Day

National Cuddle Up Day

National Cuddle Up Day

National Cuddle Up Day

National Cuddle Up Day

National Cuddle Up Day

National Cuddle Up Day

National Cuddle Up Day

National Cuddle Up Day

National Cuddle Up Day

National Cuddle Up Day

National Cuddle Up Day

National Cuddle Up Day

National Cuddle Up Day

National Cuddle Up Day

National Cuddle Up Day

National Cuddle Up Day

National Cuddle Up Day

National Cuddle Up Day

National Cuddle Up Day